Media and Market

With the arrest of Arnab, a lot of us may be thinking that it is purely a game of one news channel siding with a political party and the other with another political party. Well.. they may be doing that quite ostensibly, but it’s something bigger than that. And, it is Market!

Image Source: Gulf Today

Heard of Market segmentation? To explain this, let’s take the example of YT channels or FB pages, most of these channels or pages don’t create content for everyone, they create content for specific segments. When they do this segmentation of their audience and target only the specific segment, the recall value is higher and content thereby the advertisements conversion value is higher.

Channels that segmented their Markets

Similarly, within Media this happened in the US around 1980s when news channels such as CNN, FOX news leveraged this Market segmentation and moved away from the non partisan model of the existing channels such as NBC News. In India, this trend is catching up since some years now, wherein the channels have segmented their markets and they address to those markets specifically!

Indian Media most of them also segmented their Market
Pantajali Ad

Now, a Patanjali Ad’s conversion would be much higher when they advertise with that channel which caters specifically to Patanjali’s market segments, when compared to the other channels. So, it is Market that is playing here more than the ideology!

